There’s another plot of nearby land I want to buy! Amish furniture, snow plow, outdoor toys…so many ways to spend your hard-earned cash. Get it in gear, bozos!
Category Archives: princess sierra
Pay Our Way to Paradise!
In contract! Waiting for house inspection and the well test results!!!
your money could be used to buy Our Dream Home Very Soon!!
Send Us all your cash! It’s really all you are good for!

Great Day!
mysterypig has been a good little piggy! he’s been paying tribute every 2 weeks like he’s been conditioned to do. Today he sent $1,000! Two weeks before that he sent $1,400!!! The week before that he sent a $200 bonus and the week before that he sent $1,200!! We are so pleased with this little bitch’s performance!
$5,000 has been deposited directly from joe’s bank into Mine! It just got here today!! joe hides from ME.. but when this ugly, chinless turd comes out from hiding I fucking roast the vile pig! NO MERCY for subhuman pervert binger freaks!!
Patagonia Vest in Purple!
Nothing like a Holiday Credit Card Take Over!
rat bastard Christmas Special! rat bastard cleaned out MY Wishlist yesterday!! he bought over $550 worth of winter parkas! Parka #1 Parka #2 Over $500 worth of sweaters!! $350 of Hotel gift cards!! $100 Eddie Bauer Gift card! $60 Netflix Card! Expensive long underwear! A $60 Honey Jar and a sauce pan! On top of that he sent $600 cash!!! HO HO HO! Merry Fucking Christmas to ME! I’m sure he is licking his wounds right I bask in post-shopping spree glow! p.s. Say hi to your lil pocket mouse!
$500 from amsterdam ham, $300 Holiday cash from twinkie! $850 from a very drunk senor doggy! $200 Christmas cash from slave pantystain plus some shopping! (Love the sweater!) $50 from the greek maggot, fred bought a $400 Luminox watch for HRC and it got here in time for Christmas! If you haven’t sent your Christmas Cash yet, do it now!!! Anybody who doesn’t spoil ME for the Holidays is a selfish turd! Don’t be a selfish fucking turd!
mystery pig! GET ON IT!! mystery pig sent $700 after reading this today! Then I sent his ass back to MY pay page to send a late fee and he sent $500 more!!!
Ryan Michael
Southwest Sweater size XL
Princess Sierra The Findom Supreme
hi minions! I’ve really been neglecting MY blog lately, but I have been active on Twitter. Seems that’s the new thing…so be sure to follow ME every day! I have been keeping busy with gardening, hiking and enjoying the summer. However, I’m getting sick of this heat and can’t wait until I can start wearing MY fall wardrobe again! Will be working on a wishlist. Fedoras, jackets, sweaters and lots of pretty Etsy handmade items! Fall really is MY favorite season. Once the weather starts cooling down we plan on doing some camping and backpacking. Can’t wait!
Just got $500 from twinkie!
mysterypig was quite late on his payment but he came through with $700. Hopefully, he had only overextended himself and needed extra time to recover and NOT trying to resist ME. Never try to resist ME, mysterypig. That’s so unnatural!
$500 from a new guy named harry. Sent ME his cash and POOF! Oh Another nice shopping spree from rat bastard and I believe it was $300 he sent in cash! I got a pile of gift cards and $170 hat, a new dress and some other great items! Isn’t Our time shopping together wonderful, rat bastard?!? Next pay day, you and I have another shopping date!
tommikins sent $700 last month and $500 this month plus he bought HRC a bicycle helmet just like Mine! Always reliable and forever devoted to his GODDESS. he makes Me very happy!
slavey davey spent around $1500 this month! he bought Me some beautiful handmade pieces of jewelry! Clothing, cash, My bike helmet, an awesome wool rug runner..whatever I demand he buys! Here’s an expensive Etsy turquoise necklace he bought ME.
pantystain has bought ME several wonderful items..including a turquoise and leather necklace that I am absolutely gaga for. When I find something, I just send him an email out of the blue and instruct him to buy it. he immediately does.
wimpdick has been loyally paying his daily tributes as well as buying many gifts on Amazon. I made him buy some floral, tacky yoga pants, a floral visor and pink work-out tops. he now has to go jogging dressed in them. he looks ridiculous! Here’s a video of him jogging in his new sissy workout outfit. he also found some spandex fetish freak on Fetlife who met him in the park. They held hands and walked the path in their girly spandex pants, wiggling their fairy tushies and looking like fools. wimpdick will NEVER be normal again. HAHAHA!
deerslayer made ME his beneficiary! After many years of loyal service, it was time to seal the deal! hahaha! We got all the paperwork done last week. When he dies, it’s OFFICIAL! Everything is MINE! he’s a good boy!
Princess and slave deerslayer making it official. ???? #oldermenmakebetterfinsubs
— Princess Sierra ?? (@PrincessSierra) August 4, 2016
davidansar has been sending at least $100 a week and recording all MY daily affirmations on Read them. Recite them Daily. Let them penetrate your brain and truly enlighten you.
I’m kinda scanning through MY tweets to recap on more recent tributes I mentioned on Twitter…but it’s been a long time since MY last blog update. I really just don’t remember. There are many randoms guys, many anonymous tributes on Square, as well as all the guys on the daily pay schedule.
But here are few highlights.
$100 from peasant, $350 from amsterdam ham, $200 from piggypops, $600 from toejam, $200 wayne , $700 from sharon.
Currently pissed off at pigshit and doomed brit. Both are binger anus-boys. doomed brit, where is that tribute you fucking said you were sending? This is why I hate you so much and refuse to ever talk to you. you are a fucking liar and annoying spunk gurgling, fat freak of nature! pigshit had a problem with his credit card. It was being denied. I told him to fix it with his bank and make the tribute the next day. Morning comes, he isn’t horny and doesn’t feel he needs to keep his promise to send $400 that he made while having an idiot boner the night before!! he made up some sort of bullshit excuse about his card being cloned and it taking months to sort out. LIES! When your card is declined after promising ME an amount…you STILL FUCKING OWE ME THAT AMOUNT!! you get your card straightened out with the bank and you pay Me immediately! you PIECE OF SHIT! you LOW LIFE CUM BURPING man turd! Next time you come out of your stinky sewer hole…I promise you!! I will max the FUCK out of your credit card with no mercy! I WILL DESTROY your credit!! GAWD!! I HATE FUCKING LIARS!
And what’s the deal with pigsnot and the wankbank hiding from ME? you stupid old fucks! What the hell do you think you have to live for that is so special??? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING if you aren’t paying ME!!! IT’S TIME TO WHIP OUT THOSE CREDIT CARDS, you old crusty maggots! It’s time to shop!! This is all you are good for!
heehee! Yoohoo!! speedydick! I can see your sweet family picture pop up on your whatsapp contact info! Awwww…so adorbs! Funny how everybody is so clueless as to what an obsessive freak you are and how fucked in the head I made you! Time to make a donation!
I guess that’s MY update for the time being. Time to send ME MORE CASH!
Akubra Fedora in Carbon Grey
Panama Hat size XL
Howling Wolf Necklace
Dancing Pine Layered Necklace
Kingman Turquoise Earrings
Fox Tee slavey davey
Veracruz top slavey davey
Darjeelling Tunic size L
Hippie Dress
Wooden Fruit Bowl
Paisley Faded Cover
Back from Vacation! Buy Me Another One!
Back from vacation!! Had such a beautiful trip! Already planning Our next vacation! Whip Out those wallets! Nothing thrills you more than watching Me absolutely enjoying MY life on your dime! My happy smile arouses you in EVERY way. you want to contribute RIGHT NOW! 🙂 While I was on vacation I collected $300 from terrance, $400 from kenny, mystery pig sent $860 and $350 from randoms. And of course, My daily donations boys sent their scheduled morning donations. My minions also picked up dinner tabs, My house sitter bill and Our National State Park annual passes. Right before We left on vacation pigsnot dropped $2,000 of Amazon gift cards to spend on the latest 27 IMac desktop. he had bought MY first IMac but it is 6 years old! It works totally perfectly, but I obviously require the newest model with Retina. auntie pigsnot, what a fucking easy bitch he is. After every shopping spree he tells ME he is done with his life of paypig fuckery…but soon he finds himself staring at MY wishlists once again and drops Me an email hinting to shop. HAHAHAHA! auntie, I updated MY wishlist again. Get to it like a good little spunk-sow. THIS is your life auntie ps! The ONLY thing that will get your panties wet is SPENDING your cash on ME AND MY POSSE!
speedydick texted ME yesterday to say he needs to take a break. HAHA! Yeh right. I’ll be expecting your paycheck STAT, you cocksucker freak!
Me showing off MY raingear in the hotel!
Me and your money belong together Forever!!
Update!! Within minutes of Tweeting the link to this blog, mystery pig sent $500 more!!
This cash was all davidansar’s! Now it’s MINE! he sends at least $100 a week. Slow and steady but it adds up! Doesn’t it make the rest of you want to run to the bank tomorrow, empty out your checking and savings and send it to ME in a fat lump!? Imagine viewing a photo of ME flashing your cash and smiling happily!!
Let’s see…most interesting thing that has happened lately has been witnessing speedydick’s endless cycle of shame! he sent $1,000 within 2 days! After sending the latest payment on Monday, he said he “needed a break.” But ya’ll know how that goes!! he will be back next pay day with a gay stiffy, whispering on the phone, spurting jizz and tears, whining about how hopelessly addicted he is to ME! And I will LAUGH. AND LAUGH. AND LAUGH!!
mystery pig missed his bi-weekly alert pay by like a week!!…(shame on him) but by the Power of MY Tweets he couldn’t stay away for long. he sent $500 and I expect he will be sending another generous tribute in two weeks! My phone alerts have been reset. I will summon you through Twitter, My mysterious little pay puppy.
sissy tommikins is such a good forever-slave. he sent $500 as usual. hairlip has been paying his daily tributes and reciting and texting ME his daily prayers first thing every morning. he also paid $200 and sent Us $250 worth of Verizon gift cards to cover Our mobile phone services, pantystain sent $200 and did a little shopping. wimpdick has also joined in on sending small daily tributes after saying his morning slave affirmations. This has really improved his attitude and mindset, putting him on the DIVINE Path to forever slavery! slavey davey has been doing some shopping for ME . We are revving up for his next sissy fashion show! I made him order a ridiculous unicorn sissy outfit for his next dorky video debut!
Oh zippy slave! I know you are trying to recover…but umm..nah. I forbid it. Come back and give ME more of that money!
I didn’t really keep track of all the random tributes and square payments from passing pervs. They are rather unmemorable; as are random pervs.
Say your daily affirmations. Follow them on MY Twitter and study them on davidansar has been keeping track of them here for Me.
SEND your cash to your Divine Creator.
Note: I am also collecting gift certificates for Alaska and Delta Airlines because next year or so We anticipate traveling a lot to the North West. Send AT LEAST $500 at a time.