pigsnot — moneyslave fucked for thousands!

pigsnot -- moneyslave fucked for thousands!

Update! Xbox arrived like pigsnot said it would.  Here’s a shot of just a fraction of pigsnot’s purchases.  There are other things I got that I already opened including the 2 computers, boots, clothing, apple accessories ect!  Remember,  he did this for BOTH of us! She’s got a big ass pile of stuff of Her own!  he got fucked to the tune of 15K!  he was even creative enough to name this last spree “The Labor Day Pig Roast!” hahahaha!

pigsnot the pighole!  We still have a few items that we need tracking # on.  Stevie sent you a notice about some tracking #’s She needs you to research for her!  READ IT and RESPOND!

My Xbox and Garmin (the cheaper one) haven’t arrived.    Whats the tracking on these items??  Also you still haven’t received the ORDER# for the blackberry I want to return.

toiletbrush!  Where’s the tracking on MY Paige jeans??? They should be here by now and UPS already came today!

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3 thoughts on “pigsnot — moneyslave fucked for thousands!

  1. avatarjose

    That redlatex picture is so beautiful. It could be an icon selected among thousands and thousands to represent some product or brand. It looks also like the work of a good illustrator; so perfect it is.


  2. avatarDoomed Brit

    Looks like its time to welcome Pigsnot to the ranks of the doomed and remind him of the Princess video “youdenjoyit.avi”.

    You WILL enjoy it, you will LOVE it. SHE is worth it.


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