Tag Archives: Goddess

Follow ME on Twitter!

Sacred Findomyou might have noticed that I have been very lazy and haven’t updated MY blog in a seriously long time.  I’m retired, deal with it!   Although I’m retired from providing content, photo shoots, staying up to all hours talking to pervs and listening to sickos and their twisted fetishes…I am NOT retired from effortlessly collecting your cash.  While I enjoy My life in MY own personal mountain paradise, you will continue to work and toil daily in order to consistently and generously pay ME.  I am still active on Twitter.  Follow ME on Twitter!  Twitter is the best way to catch glimpses into MY life. 

This is where I always planned for My Findom to lead ME — a stress-free life of comfort and beauty, love and stability, freedom and security, adventure and leisure!  Findom has enriched Me beyond My expectations but still, I will graciously accept your cash!
you will continue to pay ME until the day you leave this earth! 

For those of you who wish to send cash anonymously this processor is 100% anonymous.   I don’t see anything on the payments, not even your email address.  If you want Me to see your slave nickname or email address you must put it in the comment box. 
SPANK PAY, for wankers.



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